Member Fitness Results: Katy

This results post is for long-time Hixon Fitness member, Katy!

Katy has been working with personal trainer and Doctor of Physical Therapy, Courtney Brown, for approximately six months. Through this collaboration with her trainer, Katy has found a way to strengthen and transform her body in more ways than one! She originally joined Hixon Fitness and Athletics in March of 2022 because her job became remote, and she found herself needing a gym to balance out the amount of time she was spending behind a desk. She and her husband knew they needed a gym in New Braunfels, and a gym within walking distance from their house meant no excuses!

“Growing up, I had a lot of hypermobility issues (I still do). Strength training has been in and out of my life to help with that. High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts were not helping me or doing it for me, and I knew I needed to get on a different workout plan from a structured standpoint. I was introduced to Courtney for training through Jake. Many trainers do not know how to work with clients who experience hyper mobility, like myself, and I felt like I was always injuring myself. Meeting Courtney was the best of both worlds, from a physical therapy and training standpoint. I started working with a personal trainer because I wanted to invest in my health and also find a lifelong workout method I could stick to. I started training with Courtney after having a lot of lower back issues, and after six months of training with her, I haven’t had any issues. I also wanted to learn the best way to exercise with my hypermobility and what to avoid.

A few months in, I injured my knee with a patella dislocation outside of the gym setting and ended up going to see Courtney as a Physical Therapist at the outpatient clinic she works at here in town. Throughout this time, I still got to train upper body safely in my knee immobilizer as well as go to therapy to recover from my injury. I felt like I didn’t lose as much of the progress I had already made. Working with Courtney has allowed me to have a lot better understanding on structuring and progressing my workout blocks, allowing me to see progress week over week. Most importantly, I FEEL STRONG AGAIN.

Training with a personal trainer is overwhelming at first when you think of your goals or where you want to be. If you stay consistent, then you get to see your progress every week whether it's upping your weights or reps. It’s really gratifying. Personal training has helped me get my strength back, decrease my pain and better manage my pain, and has allowed me to feel comfortable in a gym again. I felt like I had tried everything to meet my goals, from cardio to HIIT to online at home workouts and none of those things kept me accountable. With a trainer and the Hixon app, we train together and I go to the gym on my own time. I like the structure of it, the app with keeping me accountable and with everything outlined in the workouts. I don’t have to think about it.

The best piece of advice I can give to someone hoping to reach their goals is that the single best thing you can do for yourself is invest in your health and fitness.”

If you have found yourself struggling with chronic injuries, discomfort, or a nagging itch do better and don’t know where to start, we have your back. Our coaches go above and beyond the normal coaching experience to ensure that your program not only helps you reach your fitness goals, but reduce risk of injury through the process.

Take advantage of a FREE fitness consultation with a Hixon Coach today, and learn more about your body, how to reach your goals, and what we do to get our clients fit.