When Should You Start Working with a Personal Trainer?

Embarking on a fitness journey is an exciting decision that can be profoundly transformative. Many people, however, are often tempted to set out on this path alone, missing out on the substantial benefits a personal trainer offers. This crucial partnership is far more than just having someone count your reps and sets—it's a gateway to fast-tracked results, personalized strategies, and consistent motivation.

Starting with a customized plan is critical to creating long-term success in the gym.

To understand the essential role of a personal trainer, it's crucial to consider the trans-theoretical behavior change model—a five-stage model which provides a framework for understanding how individuals alter their behavior over time. A good coach will help their client navigate this process towards lasting change.

here's a brief overview of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change, including each of the major stages:

  1. Precontemplation: At this stage, individuals are not yet acknowledging that there is a problematic behavior that needs to be changed. They may not understand the consequences of their behavior, or they may be demoralized by past attempts at change. They are often characterized as "resistant" to recognising the need for change.

  2. Contemplation: In this stage, individuals are beginning to recognize their behavior as problematic and start thinking about the possibility of change. However, they might be ambivalent about it. They may dwell at this stage for a long time, not yet ready to make any actual change.

  3. Preparation: This stage sees individuals intending to take action soon, usually within the next month. They may start taking small steps toward the desired behavior change, like doing research, consulting professionals, or making plans.

  4. Action: At the action stage, individuals have made specific, noticeable changes in their behavior over the past six months. The changes made at this stage are generally visible to others, and this stage requires considerable commitment of time and energy.

  5. Maintenance: This stage involves successfully avoiding any temptations to return to the old behavior and consistently maintaining the new behavior. The goal is to maintain the new status quo over time, generally seen as a continuation of the new behavior beyond six months.

Remember, the TTM also acknowledges that relapse (returning to old behaviors) is a common part of the process of change and it's often cyclical rather than linear. People may progress through the stages multiple times before achieving lasting change.

How does all of this tie into personal training? It’s a PT’s job to assist you through this “roadmap” to the point where you are intrinsically motivated! The eventual outcome is that a client will maintain new habits and behaviors long after the training package has ended, leaving them with healthy and sustainable habits to help them reach their goals. When exactly should someone start with a personal trainer to see optimal results?

Our belief is a strong start will create a strong finish. Starting your journey with a coach tends to have more immediate benefits.

  1. Expert Guidance: A certified personal trainer can provide expert advice and show you the correct techniques for performing various exercises. This is particularly important for beginners, as it reduces the risk of injury and ensures you are effectively targeting the intended muscle groups.

  2. Personalized Plans: Everyone's body and goals are different. A personal trainer can create a personalized fitness plan based on your specific goals, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, improving flexibility, or enhancing cardiovascular health. This tailored approach is typically more effective than a one-size-fits-all routine you might try to implement on your own.

  3. Motivation and Accountability: Having a trainer can help keep you motivated. They can push you to work harder than you might on your own, and the commitment to scheduled training sessions can keep you accountable. It's harder to skip workouts when you know someone is expecting you.

  4. Early Habits Formation: Starting a fitness journey with a trainer allows you to develop good habits from the very beginning. Whether it's related to exercise form, workout routines, or nutritional habits, getting off on the right foot can help set the foundation for a lifelong fitness journey. Waiting until later to get a trainer might mean having to unlearn poor habits and techniques.

By starting your fitness journey with a trainer, you're setting yourself up for a smoother path towards achieving your goals.

Proof of Concept: Real Hixon Fitness Client Results

Below are just a few examples of some real Hixon Fitness clients who started their journey with a Hixon Coach! All of the results shown were taken between the 6 and 8 week progress marks. Both clients (male and female) would be considered “beginners” in the gym and were sedentary prior to starting their training with a Hixon Coach. After 6-8 weeks BOTH saw a steep reduction in inches and increased lean muscle mass while shedding bodyfat.

The next example is a client who was/is active almost daily for years. After plateauing at his prior gym, he decided to join Hixon Fitness to shake things up and dial in his program. In just 4 short weeks, Kaitlyn put him on the path to increase his muscle mass and decrease his bodyfat.

J_Brown 4 Week Progress Update - Front

J_Brown 4 Week Progress Update - Side

The point we want you to take home that starting with a trainer can be exponentially more beneficial than trying to knock out as much as possible on your own before considering a coach. Many times it’s not about the lack of intensity in a program, or certain movements not programmed, or even stressing about the macros; it’s about having the accountability and the 2nd pair of eyes to ensure we stay true to the goal.

If you want results of your own, use the button below to schedule your FREE consultation with a Hixon Fitness coach!