Member Fitness Results: Melissa

Melissa has been working with Director of Fitness Lacey Warner for just a bit over 6 months, and has completely transformed her body, her mind, and how she views exercise. After hiring a personal trainer, she has lost just over 25lbs of bodyfat, increased her lean muscle mass, dropped several pants sizes, and has fallen in love with the process.

Check out this INSANE client transformation, and read her testimony about her personal struggle with her weight, her experience with her coach, and how joining a private gym has been a cornerstone in changing her body and giving her a new lease on life.

Melissa we are thrilled for your success and humbled by your kind words. Keep up the good work and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish next!

Melissa incorporates strength training, HIIT and steady state cardio, and regularly works on her mobility.

“In December of 2022 I made the best decision I could have ever made for myself–I joined Hixon Fitness! I had been struggling with my self-confidence for years after my hysterectomy in 2016 which forced me into early menopause. I had always been fit even after the birth of my daughter, but after the hysterectomy everything went NUTS and my body was changing in ways it hadn't before. 

I quickly started gaining weight, and the more weight I gained, the less energy I had. That’s when the emotional part of my journey began. I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything, which was totally the opposite of who I was. I became depressed and avoided events and family gatherings as much as possible because I was embarrassed of the way I looked. For years I tried to convince myself that “this year I’m going to get back on track” and I thought I knew exactly what I needed to do to get there. 

I thought that doing Beachbody Insanity home workouts 3 days a week and workouts in my home gym 2 days a week would make everything magically fall back into place….WRONG! The way I used to workout was no longer working for my body so eventually I just gave up and decided it is what it is. I lived that way for years, just accepting that I would never get back to a place where I was proud of myself. I convinced myself that I wasn’t strong enough, and that nothing was ever going to work for me. 

Flash back to November of 2022, we were planning our yearly mini vacation, and this year it was Vegas. I was so excited at first and then my insecurities about my body started flooding back into my head. I decided at that moment that this would be the last vacation that I let myself feel this way about my body. As soon as we returned from our Vegas trip, I started googling personal trainers in my area. 

Hixon Fitness popped up and I loved everything about the structure and the program. I was a ball of nerves the day I met my trainer Lacey, but I knew everything was going to be ok. I had never worked out in a gym setting and I had never lifted weights–I had so much to learn. 

Fortunately for me Lacey was amazing! It didn’t take long before I was feeling confident about being in a gym, and Lacey kept pushing me to be better and reminding me that I was strong enough. She kept me accountable, which is something that I desperately needed. Hixon Fitness has literally changed my life! Everyone is so friendly, Jake the owner is so kind and genuine, and my trainer Lacey has become a great friend. 

Now, I look forward to showing up and “making good choices!”, as Lacey would say with a huge smile on her face. I am still on my journey, but I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish with this wonderful group of folks supporting me!”

If you have been struggling with your fitness goals, let us help. Book a FREE CONSULTATION with any of our experienced coaches to learn more about how Hixon Fitness & Athletics builds bodies, and gets you results.

Director of Fitness Lacey Warner